Proper Posture Helps Your Knees

Proper posture in the shoulders, back, knees and legs can prevent pressure on the knees supporting the muscles used for posture. If you slouch or stoop, there is extra pressure on the hips and knees, so standing up straight will help your knees.



Recovering from a Knee Injury

If you have had a significant knee injury, you may need pain relief, physical therapy, massage and other therapies such as aquatherapy to regain muscle balance.

We strongly caution against the use of opioids, except immediately after surgery, and in order to withstand the rigors of physical therapy in the first few days after therapy begins.

Please work with your physician, physical therapist, and massage therapist, to reduce the need for opioids within a short period of time after surgery. Addiction to these drugs can be devastating.

Neuromuscular massage can help you regain your range of motion and eliminate pain.


Knee Injury

Most knee injuries are caused from sudden stops or starts. Sudden pain in the knee should be evaluated for sprains or tears.

Once a diagnosis is made that does not involve surgery, massage can greatly relieve the pain of the injury.

Neuromuscular massage can help you maintain your range of motion and eliminate pain.


Referred Knee Pain

Osteoarthritis in the hips, even the ankles, can present as knee pain.

It’s more common than you think. Massage can help to identify where the problem is.

Neuromuscular massage can help you maintain your range of motion and eliminate pain.


Knee Pain

Without an obvious injury, knee pain is a sign that you’re experiencing some wear and tear on the cartilage that protects the femur (thigh bone), patella (knee cap), and tibia (lower leg bone).

Stop listening to the old adage, “no pain, no gain.” If there’s pain, stop the activity that is causing it, until the pain is relieved.

Neuromuscular massage can help you maintain your range of motion and eliminate pain.
